Strategic Goals


To accelerate efforts in development of a vibrant organization and enhance achievement of KAACR’s mandate as per its constitution, this strategic plan adopts five strategic thematic areas drawn from an in-depth analysis of the factors that drive and perpetuate violation of children and youth rights namely:

  1. Monitoring the implementation and domestication of County, National, regional and international child rights instruments
  2. Strengthening networking and building partnerships for increased visibility of Children and youth Rights
  3. Children and Youth empowerment
  4. Research, Learning and documentation
  5. Institutional Strengthening and Technical Support to partners

Strategic objectives, strategies, key activities, outcomes and key performance Indicators have been crafted under each strategic thematic area. The plan also takes cognizance of aspirations articulated in National, regional and international policy instruments such as the ACRWC, UNCRC, the 2030 global Sustainable Development Goals among others. In addition, other cross-cutting issues like Environmental issues, Gender, HIV, and other Emerging trends have been strategically mainstreamed in each thematic area.

Strategic Thematic Areas

Monitoring the implementation and domestication of County, National, regional and international child rights instruments/policies

Implementation of CRC (optional protocols and general comments) and related instruments, African Charter and regional charters i.e., EAC, IGAD, COMESA, SDGs,

  1. Preparation of periodic supplementary reports and position papers
  2. Coordination of participation of adults and children in the various forums and Influence the position of children in the regional instruments i.e., EAC

Monitoring national legislations and framework for children

  1. Implementation of the COK
  2. Review of the children’s Act and other relevant children policies e.g., Child labour Policy
  3. Monitoring County legislations and policies for Children
  4. Support and lobby the County government to come up with child friendly legislations and policies where there is non
  5. Supporting the County government to have a data base for children, and child friendly budgeting and planning

Strengthening Regional, National, International & County networking and building partnerships for increased visibility of Children

Establish strategic partnership on Child Rights to health, development and protection

  1. Children Health and education (religious / higher learning institutions)
  2. Children and Transport, media / communication / technology
  3. Strengthening collaboration with Child Rights Civil Society/NGOs Networks in Kenya
  4. Organize networking forums and Encourage regional networks for experience sharing

Children and Youth empowerment

  1. Empower child/youth led movements to engage with National and County Governments
  2. Child Rights Governance (involvement of children in school, family and County budgets, planning and governance
  3. Partner with Institutions like ICT Authority and CCK to leverage on digitalization and also counter online sexual abuse -Child online safety.
  4. Empower Special Groups (girls, young women and children with disability)

 Research, Knowledge Management and documentation

Knowledge Management consists of activities focused on the organization gaining knowledge from its own experience & from the experience of others and application of that knowledge through a process of learning to fulfil the organisation’s mission. These activities are executed by merging technology, organizational structures, and cognitive-based strategies to raise the yield of existing knowledge and produce new knowledge. Critical in this endeavour is the enhancement of the cognitive system (organization, human, ICT, or joint human-ICT system) in acquiring, storing and utilizing knowledge for learning, problem solving, and decision making. Therefore, KAACR will seek to enhance efforts to document, disseminate and learn from existing and future programme activities and outcomes. The emphasis will be on promoting learning and sharing with stakeholders to drive change and to advocate for sound development practices.

  1. Strengthen Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) System
  2. Participatory monitoring of implementation of the rights of Children in Kenya.
  3. Conduct research on emerging topics on children `
  4. Document best practices identified in the implementation of the project

4.2.5 Institutional Strengthening and Technical Support to partners

KAACR’s concept of sustainable beneficiary-driven development is pegged on the premise that beneficiaries must be empowered in some way. Thus, the stronger the beneficiary organisations, the more likely that their strategies and advocacy for better services delivery will be achieved. KAACR intends to empower the stakeholders that it partners with, in developing their capacity and working together to enhance their sustainability. Organizational capacity assessment (diagnostic) process and tools will be used to help assess the capacity of all its partners while devising mechanisms to address these gaps with a various intervention such as coaching and mentorships among others. Technical support will continue in line with the PBO Act 2013, which seeks to enhance self-regulation and improvement of standards in a bid to enhance the impact created by CSOs in Kenya.

  1. Mobilise resources for financial growth and sustainability of the organization
  2. Strengthen governance structure and HR capacity of KAACR
  3. Offer Technical Support to partners to deliver innovative and sustainable services in a timely manner against agreed work plans for children and youth.
  4. Develop an organizational development and communications strategy